Vouchers for the Panorama Pergamon are available via our online shop or directly at the ticket office in the Gasometer.
We have the following vouchers available for you:
Adult admission 12 euro
Reduced admission 10 euro (severely disabled persons, pupils over 16, trainees & students)
Free admission for children up to 16
Annual ticket 60 euro
or you determine the value yourself (only possible on site at the Gasometer).
Please transfer to: Gasometer Pforzheim
IBAN: DE96 666 500 85 0008928290
Swift Code: PZHSDE66XXX
Amount to be transferred: the desired value and number of vouchers plus 2 euro flat rate for shipping (value over 50 euro/flat rate of 7 euro)
Reason for transfer: your name and address
Please send us a separate e-mail with your order and your complete address in parallel to your bank transfer so that we can better allocate your payment and thus process it more quickly!
Please allow 5 to 7 working days after receipt of payment for the vouchers to arrive.
Parkhotel Pforzheim - Deimlingstraße 32-36, 75175 Pforzheim, Germany
Tourist-Information Pforzheim - Am Schloßberg 15- 17, 75175 Pforzheim
At the ticket office in the Schmuckwelten Pforzheim - Westliche Karl-Friedrich-Str. 56, 75172 Pforzheim
Pforzheimer Kurier - Westliche Karl-Friedrich-Str. 24, 75172 Pforzheim
The advance booking offices have the following vouchers available for you:
Adult admission: 12 euro
One voucher does not equal one ticket! All vouchers must be redeemed at the box office!