Gigantenfries und Rekonstruktion des Nordfrieses von Y. Asisi


for the Gasometer Pforzheim

book now

Vouchers for the Panorama Pergamon are available via our online shop or directly at the ticket office in the Gasometer.

We have the following vouchers available for you:

Adult admission 12 euro
Reduced admission 10 euro (severely disabled persons, pupils over 16, trainees & students)
Free admission for children up to 16
Annual ticket 60 euro
or you determine the value yourself (only possible on site at the Gasometer).


Please transfer to: Gasometer Pforzheim
IBAN: DE96 666 500 85 0008928290
Swift Code: PZHSDE66XXX
Amount to be transferred: the desired value and number of vouchers plus 2 euro flat rate for shipping (value over 50 euro/flat rate of 7 euro)
Reason for transfer: your name and address
Please send us a separate e-mail with your order and your complete address in parallel to your bank transfer so that we can better allocate your payment and thus process it more quickly!
Please allow 5 to 7 working days after receipt of payment for the vouchers to arrive.


Parkhotel Pforzheim - Deimlingstraße 32-36, 75175 Pforzheim, Germany
Tourist-Information Pforzheim - Am Schloßberg 15- 17, 75175 Pforzheim
At the ticket office in the Schmuckwelten Pforzheim - Westliche Karl-Friedrich-Str. 56, 75172 Pforzheim
Pforzheimer Kurier - Westliche Karl-Friedrich-Str. 24, 75172 Pforzheim
The advance booking offices have the following vouchers available for you:

Adult admission: 12 euro
One voucher does not equal one ticket! All vouchers must be redeemed at the box office!